
2025 Pacific Northwest Corgi Picnic


August 23, 2024

Noon – 4PM

Our 21st PNW Corgi Picnic!

Attendance is limited, and all guests need to pre-register. There’ll be a $20 registration fee per person (if it can walk on two legs, it’s a person 🙂 ). 100% of these proceeds will be donated to Corgiaid. You’ll also get a token good for one hotdog from our caterer.

RSVP: Registration

Registration is required, and will open up roughly a month prior to the event.

We’re in the Hollywood Hill area of Woodinville. Once you register you’ll get specific directions (if you’ve never been here, you will need them — the address is not always enough) as well as any additional instructions necessary.

The event will very likely sell out, but please do register to be placed on the waiting list. If people back out (which always happens), then some slots should open up.

Parking: Parking will be in what we refer to as our “back pasture”, which is behind the house to the east. There will be signs and people to direct you.

Food Service: TBD

Feel free to bring a side-dish or snacks (though an extra donation to CorgiAid would be just as welcome 🙂 ). Oh, and expect Corgi-thievery – so don’t bring something that would make the dogs sick.


By registering for the picnic you implicitly accept these terms:

  • Attendance is as your own risk; the organizers cannot be held liable for damage or injury to vehicles, guests, or pets.
  • Pet owners are responsible for picking up their pet’s waste as best they can and depositing in the receptacle provided.
  • No thrown balls or toys — as a fenced/off-leash event we can’t encourage pack or prey behavior.

Please remember that if we ask you to perhaps put your dog on leash or in time-out it’s for everyone’s safety. Even if your dog is simply being exceptionally playful, it can sometimes incite others who aren’t as well behaved. We don’t want 100 dogs to suddenly decide they’re a pack and act accordingly.


  • Where: Leo & Kathy’s home in Woodinville, WA
  • When:
  • Why: because we can!
  • Cost: $20, per person, pre-registration required.

Click for last picnic summary and photos.

As always, updates on