It’s the “as official as it gets” Pacific Northwest Corgi Picnic, including a silent auction to benefit Corgi Aid.
Update: O.M.G.! Based on the RSVPs so far this one looks to be the biggest PNW Picnic ever!
Update #2: O.M.G. O. M. G.! It was!
We lost count at 70 bodies, and now estimate upwards of 80-90 people attended. We couldn’t even begin to count the dogs.
Thanks to everyone who attended. It was a great time.
Over $1300 was raised for Corgi Aid! Thanks again to Jean Clements-Macak for running the auction, it was a grand success.
- from Bobbie Mayer
- a selection of photos courtesy of Nick Olson.
- The “Corgi’s R Us” meetup group photo album for the picnic.
- I’ll link to more as I hear of them, so please let me know if you have photos to share.