The Pacific Nortwest seems to be a Corgi-rich enviroment! We have lots of Corgis and Corgi owners in the area, and keep stumbling upon more all the time.
Here’s a list of discussion and meetup groups that I’m aware of that have particular relevance to the Pacific Northwest:
- Corgi-L – The oldest and largest Corgi discussion group has something like 1500+ Corgi owners world wide. This is the primary place that The Pacific Northwest Corgi Picnic is announced, as well as a couple of gatherings we tend to have each year.
- Corgi’s R Us is a Seattle and Eastside meetup group that gets together regularly at Marymoor and other locations.
- I maintain a private mailing list for those who don’t want to be on Corgi-L, but would still like to recieve email notification of the events we put on.
These aren’t local, but here are some other Corgi resources:
- “Mission: To provide a friendly helpful community for corgi owners worldwide. To fund raise and assist corgi rescues through various projects.”
- Pembroke-L “… a caring international community of Pembroke Welsh Corgi owners.” (Yahoo Group)
- Wheeled Corgis “This group is for anyone who has or has had a corgi who needed (or could have used) a wheeled cart.” (Yahoo Group)
Know of something else I should add? Drop me a line: leo<at>